jQuery UI Dialog - Animation

Learn how to send your portraits or other files to School Annual. Remember to zip your files if there is more than one!



1) Locate your Portraits on your computer. If you have a portrait CD it will be in the CD Drive.


2) If you have a Portrait CD. You must copy the portraits to another location first, before uploading.


3) Copy everything from the CD to another location. (I.E. your Downloads folder)


4) Once your portraits are in another location, merge them into a ZIP file.

• Right-Click

• Choose 'Send to'

• Select 'Compressed Zipped Folder'


5) Name your new Zip File.


6) Now that you have your Zip file. Go to schoolannual.wetransfer.com


7) Find your Zip file and add it to the Upload.


8) Enter your upload details:

• Your Email
• Your School
• Your Job Number
• Your Sort Type


9) Click the Transfer button to send us your Portraits!






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