jQuery UI Dialog - Animation



1) From Plan, open the Font tab.  You can click on Styles  to add a different style


2) Click Add or Delete to remove Styles (NOTE: This can only be done by Advisers)


3) From this menu, you can add new Styles or add new Fonts.


4) Use the Active / Inactive slider to add a font to your yearbook


5) Press the Add Style button to add a new style containing your newly added font.


6) Customize your new Style to fit your liking.


7) Save the Style and return to Page Designer


8) If you don't see your new fonts/styles refresh the page (f5)


9) From Page Designer drag and drop your new Style to the page from the Text tab.


10) After the text has been placed on the page the size, font, color, and style can be adjusted to fit your need.

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