We have so many different, pre-made options for backgrounds, sometimes it can be hard to choose. Whatever you decide, the placing is quick and easy - and now it's all done the same way.
Here's how:
1. Click on Edit and scroll halfway down the option and click on Change Background (you can also right-click and select Change Background)
2. Once the Change Background Screen opens up you will have different options.
- Left/Right Page - select what page you want to put the background on
- Background Color - select a solid color as a background
- Image - Choose an image as a background
- Flip/Rotate - lets you change the direction of the image
- Crop - lets you adjust the image and change what you want in the viewable area
- Snap Edit - lets you put a mask on your image
- Tint - lets you change the opacity of your image from solid to slightly transparent.
- Remove Background - let you remove the background image
3. Clicking on the Choose Image will take you to Select Background image. Here you can scroll through the predesigned images you want to select for your background. You can also search for an image using the image name. (example BK00001.jpg). once you find one, click on it and then click on the Select button.
- If you want the same background on different pages, we strongly recommend writing down the name of the background (located under the image).
4. If you find that you do not like the image you can always remove it. After pulling up the Change Background screen. Click on the page you want to remove then click on Remove Background. The background will be gone and you can click on Choose Image.
Be sure to check out all the clip art folders to see what options you now have for backgrounds.
Creating a Solid Color Background
You can choose a solid color as a background. To change the color you can click on Remove Background and choose a different color.