jQuery UI Dialog - Animation

Last year's images can be transferred to this year's site. This is especially handy for those elusive, camera-shy staff who always seem to miss Photo Day.



Your image folders from last year's site must be marked for transfer.  In your Image Library on the Categories panel, the numbered 'Year' button toggles the entire category for transfer to next year's book.  Highlight the category to keep and click the 'Year' button (circled in red).  This marks those folders for use in your next year's site.

Since the button is always available, you can get a jump on marking those images for next year as you're sorting now.





Now that you've marked them, here's how to transfer those images:

  • In your Image Library (Create > Image Library), add a new folder in your Activity category
  • Open the folder labeled My [year] Images. The folder will be named for the previous year.
  • Drag and drop the images from My Images into the new Activity category.





  Photos Marked "Do Not Use"

Do you have images in a transferred folder marked "Do Not Use"?

These will be transferred to the new site AND "Do Not Use" will be removed from the image.


Portrait Photos tagged with names

Any names that are tagged on portraits do not move to the next year with the image.  This is because the names are kept separately from the images and only the images are being transferred.

Since most users will only be moving one or two portraits for those staff, they can be tagged with their names in the new job year.






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