The Image Library is your collection of photographs and other artwork to place on your pages. This is your online organization area. The better your organization, the easier it will be for your yearbook to come together!
The Category panel has folders that allow you to organize your images. Click the buttons to Add, Edit, and Delete folders.
You can also use your Image Library to:
- Transfer images to next year
Tag Images
- Download Images
- Upload activity Images
- Delete Images
- Preview an entire category in PDF and print it for correction
- See important details about an image
Organizing your image library is a simple way to make your yearbook creation process even easier!
Let us take a look at the different folders in the image library and what each one is used for.
Photo Share - This is where any images uploaded from your Photoshare site will be located. Images in this folder will not be placeable on your yearbook, you must move the photos to an Activity folder.
School Life - These are your candid images sent by parents/guardians or staff from the Photo Share site. From here, you can sort these images into different folders you have created under Activity.
Portrait (Photo Share) - These are Portrait images sent by parents/guardians or staff from the Photo Share site. From here, you can sort these images into different folders you have created under Portrait. This is helpful for baby photos or senior glamour photos
Portrait - This is the folder where all your student and staff portraits will be placed. These are headshot photos and are usually professionally done. Subfolders for each grade or teacher will be very useful here. Remember, the easiest way to upload your portrait images is to send them to us using Just send us the index.txt file and we can sort your portraits with ease! Also, note that portrait flow will only be available to you if you submit your portraits and index file. Manually tagging each and every portrait will also make portrait flow available but takes much more time.
Activity - The activity folder is the main place to store your images. It is very important to add subfolders to this category in order to have good organization. You can even add folders inside of subfolders to add more levels to your organization!
My [Previous Year's] Images - Any images that you had marked for transfer in your previous year's yearbook will be here. Note that any image tagging done in your previous year will not be transferred.
Clipart - This is where all images we provide for you are located. This category is subdivided into many other distinct categories. It is worth the time to take a few minutes and look at all the images we have available for you to use. Backgrounds, image frames, and quick creator themes are all located here.
Image Details
Double-click an image thumbnail to display a larger version of the image and view its details.
Details Tab
The Details tab shows information about the image, such as the maximum size on a page, the upload date, the category where the image currently resides, and on what page(s) the image has been used. You can also download the image from this page, view the user who uploaded it, and add a caption for the image.
People Tab
The People tab allows you to add names to your images. Click on a face in the image and size the box to match. You can choose from your existing people or create a new one. This is considered image tagging. Adding people to an image update in the Coverage Report and the student's name associated with that Portrait. If your photographer did not provide a PSPA disc, this is where you can add student names so you can use the Portrait Flow feature.
Other image details:
You can also view image details by clicking the blue Information icon on the bottom right corner of the image thumbnail.
A tag in the lower left-hand corner will tell you if the image is tagged or not.
A Check Mark shows you this image is used on a page. To find out which page, click the Details tab to see the page number.
Troubleshooting your images
Check your 'Inbox Staff' or 'Inbox Image Share' folders. Sometimes images are uploaded directly to those folders and must be moved into an Activity or Portrait folder. You cannot place images on a page from either Inbox.
Are you looking for images transferred from Last Year? Any image from a previous year that is marked "Do Not Use" will not transfer. There's a pretty good chance if it wasn't usable last year, you don't want it in your library this year. Trust'll have plenty by the time you're ready to submit your pages!
Check the resolution, the image box may be too large (the box remains red). Make the image box smaller and try again.
Make sure you are using an image box (blue) and not a shape box (gray). The image box turns green if the resolution is high enough, or red if it is not.
You cannot drop Portraits on a page from the FLOW button. If you want to use images found in your Portrait category, you must click the IMAGES button and then navigate to the Portraits category.