jQuery UI Dialog - Animation

Create a website for students, parents, and the school community to upload photos for the yearbook staff's use. Manage the context and preferences you want to collect. 



Setting up Photo Share



Here's how to enable Photo Share on your yearbook site!



Click on Plan then Photo Share.




2) Indicate you want to End collecting photos.

  • The date can be set manually or you can click on the calendar icon.  This will bring up the calendar and you can click on the date you want.
    • This is the date you want to end, once you click on publish site the site is activated.
  • To change the end date you will need to unpublish the site and then change the date. Once the changes are done, do not forget to republish the site. 
  • The toggle to the right indicates whether you want to activate the School Life (Candid) image collection.  by default, the School Life is always active.  Portraits will always be de-active by default. 



3) Photo Guidelines

     Under photo guidelines, you can tell parents, staff, and other teachers what images you are looking for.  This can help you narrow down what image you need for your yearbook.  This can also help those submitting images know what you are looking for.  You can also communicate things like this just to name a few:

  • All content is reviewed by the yearbook Adviser and Staff. Anything inappropriate will be deleted.  Images not in line with the Theme of the yearbook may not be used. 

  • Don't use photos with filters, logos, or hand gestures.
  • Don't use screenshots - they are low resolution and print low quality.

  • Don't use watermarked photos.

  • Don't use copyrighted photos.

     People using the site will see the information you put in the box before uploading images.  This way the information is conveyed before uploading images.  Anyone who uploaded images HAS to click a button that says "Ok, I understand"




4) Publishing your Site.

  • Once you have everything set you can click on the teal Publish Site button.
    • Once clicked the site is live and ready for people to use. 
  • To unpublish the site just click on "View Site History" and then scroll down to Unpublish Your Website
  • The View Site History will display when your site has been published / unpublished. 



5) Photo Share Website / QR Code

      Once your site is active, you will get a custom Web Link.  This is custom to your school.  You will also get a QR code that is custom to your school.

  • The website link and QR code do not change when you publish/unpublish your site.
  • You can download the QR code and place on on any publication or website.

     Once you click on the website it will automatically be copied and then you can paste it into a web browser.




     Once parents have uploaded photos, they will appear in the Photo Share folder under School Life.  If Portraits are activated, they will be found under the portrait folder. 

      Drag and drop images to folders under the Activity Category to use them in your Yearbook.




      When you go under details you can fund Suggested Tags and Source Info.

  • Suggested Tags
    • This information will display any tagged names or topics.  If the image is properly tagged, this will help you know who is in the image and where the image was taken.  This can also help you know what folder in Activity it needs to go to.
  • Source Info
    • This information will let you know who submitted the information 
    • This will have the person's name and the associated upload date.



What to include in the email to parents

  • Include the Photo Share Website link
  • Any posters/flyers can have the QR code.
  • The images must be .jpg, .png, HEIC, or .tif files and have to be at least 300ppi resolution.

  • Include the date range for image collection.

  • Include YOUR contact information if a parent has questions about content.
  • Have parents/guardians tag the student(s) names and topics on photos as they upload them.

  • GRADE should be the child's CURRENT GRADE.


  • Fast-Tag is used for anything else the parent needs to provide, like additional names of students in the photo, the grade the student was in when the picture was taken, etc.

  • If parents can't upload any more photos you will need to empty images from the Inbox ReplayIt folder to free up more image slots.

Why isn't my site working?

  • Make sure the site is published
  • Check the end date.

School Annual Support will not change dates or add more photo capacity to the Image Share Inbox without the Adviser's permission.




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