jQuery UI Dialog - Animation


   To get to ReplayIt, just click on Plan > ReplayIt. 


     ReplayIt is a program designed to allow parents/staff/teachers/others to send the adviser images.  These images will placed in a folder called Inbox ReplayIt under Inbox in the image library.  This folder can only be seen by the Adviser.  

     This is because as the Adviser you have the final say in what images are being used.  You can also filter out inappropriate images.  From there you can move the images to the appropriate folders under Activity or to Inbox Staff.


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Setting Up ReplayIt

     Once on this screen, you will be asked if you want a Website for uploaded images.  Just click on the box to the right to enable the site setup.  When you click on the box it allows the other boxes to become clickable.  


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Setting up Dates


     Once the site is enabled, you can start by setting up the start and end dates. This will tell the program when to allow someone to upload images and when to deny them access.  


     To set up the dates, just click on the calendar. To the right, there is an icon of a calendar. Click on the Willow, and a drop-down calendar will appear.  Select a starting date and then on the other one select an ending date.  


Note: Please note, that if you set a date for the future your site will not be open until that date.

Note: We suggest shutting off Replaying at least 2 weeks before your submission date.  This will allow you time to look at and use any images remaining in the folder.  This also allows you time to reopen ReplayIt if needed for more images.                                                                                                                 


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Setting Max Images.


     Here you will be asked to enter the maximum number of images that can be uploaded to Inbox ReplayIt.  We suggest leaving it set to 1000 images as you will be removing images as they are uploaded.  

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Enabling the Site and Links.


     Once you are done and have everything set up, it is time to enable the site.  There is a box you can click to enable/disable the ReplayIt site.  Once you click on the box to enable it, you will then click on save.

     Once you save everything you will get a User ID code and a Website Link.  You can share the link with your parents/teachers/others to start sending in photos. 

     The User ID can be placed on a provided Submission Flyer that can be set up at the school or sent home to the parents/guardians. They can go to the site and then will have to enter the ID number to access your site to begin uploading images.

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